What's It Taste Like: Also know as Tie Guan Yin. Not quite green tea, not quite black tea - Oolong is an inviting middle ground of beautifully rolled leaves that unfurl into beautiful whole leaves when steeped. You've got these leaves, right? They're all rolled up like they're ready for a tea-tastic adventure. And then, bam! You steep them, and suddenly they're like, "Surprise, we're whole leaves now! It has an enchanting orchid-like aroma and leaves a sweet after taste
When to Brew: Perfect for all day. The best thing about Oolong is you can re-steep the leaves at least three times, so you can have it all day by only brewing once
🎵This Is How You Brew It🎵: 1 teaspoon per cup for 2-3 mins in 85-90°C water. Use a glass teapot or a cafetiere so you can see these little balls unravel
Ingredients: Premium Oolong tea
Origin: Fujian Province, China
Caffeine Content: Approx 20-30mg per cup